We’re all on a journey, even if we often forget it in the course of our days. Our Journey is an invitation to remember and so appreciate and connect more deeply with life’s adventure in all its variety. Each week features short vignettes exploring topics ranging from beauty and wonder to illness and death. The reflections published here document my journey from disability to health as I rejoin and rediscover the larger world. Every experience worth noting is part of the creative terrain of Our Journey.

As Our Journey grows others will be invited to contribute written and artistic content. It is my hope that this newsletter might become a genuine creative presence, one where we learn from and find inspiration in each other.

About Cara

I am an artist and writer with a PhD in American Studies. A student of Buddhism, I am certified as a Practice Instructor with Nalandabodhi International.

In 2004 I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. By 2010 I was too sick to work and spent the subsequent decade disabled. Chronic illness and disability have been among the most profound and instructional experiences of my life. I am intimately familiar with the challenge of being housebound, the vulnerability of dependency, the loneliness of social isolation, and the curious lessons—and unexpected blessings—to be found in the darkest of times.

Thanks to a remarkable program—Dynamic Neural Retraining System—I am in the process of recovering. My story can be found here and here.

I invite you to check out my paintings, which can be seen here.

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Living life with open-hearted curiosity and kindness.


Artist and Writer